I have found that in order to get out the door in a hurry, that it is important to have your keys handy. PB had a great key holder but it ran almost $100. My solution was this one from HobLob for $8 and another from Joann's for $13 & some SPRAY PAINT!
I used several coats of this primer on the holders:
Seaside Green



Here is a closeup of the key ring, I just purchased plain key rings & added scrapbook paper with a bit of mod podge & then transferred an "L" onto the paper. My husband painted the heads of the screws that he used to hang them with, can you even see them?
LOVE these beachy colors, especially on a white wall!
This was an item on my Anti-Procrastination list:
- clean under the kitchen sink DONE
I created a mini-recycling center with these 3 gallon trash cans. Plastic goes in the left & aluminum in the right one. When they fill up they are taken out to the recycling area in the garage where newspaper, cardboard, plastic, aluminum, & plastic bags are recycled & then they are taken to the recycling center at our school. Proceeds go to the school & all of this stuff stays out of the landfill:
A handy dandy bag keeper from Target for under $10:
I moved a lot of cleaning supplies & other unused items to their respective places. Don't you think that the area under the sink becomes a catch all area? And the final result:
Ahhh, much better now that I am not wrestling bags to stay put in the cupboard!
I also finished all of my paperwork. I am trying to stay on top the new stuff coming in, too!
Hope you are enjoying summer. We need some sunshine! My flowers are asking, where's the sun?? Hoping the beautiful rays find you while creating new memories!